Not an ending, just a pivot.
Hey friends! I have so enjoyed bringing you quite a wide variety of content since I started Kinship and Vine just over a year ago. Every month, I have shared articles covering nine categories: Beauty, Books, Food, Fashion, Home, Garden, Events, Travel, and Local businesses/events. These are topics that are important to me, that always peak my interest. As an avid reader and consumer, I have loved sharing my discoveries with you.
Many of you know that this spring, we started our first season as flower farmers on some family land in Acworth. This farm has been an incredible source of joy to me, much more so than I ever anticipated. I could happily be there everyday if my schedule allowed. As it is, we spend about 8 -15 hours per week there - I’m so grateful it is only 15 minutes away from where we live! And I’m grateful that I have had a 3 month “break” with no weddings until October/November, which has afforded me the time to work on the flower farm.
We jumped in quickly when the opportunity presented itself to start the flowers. I didn't really have plans in place for marketing and future growth, but here we are three months later with flowers to sell and a calendar that tells me it is already time to plan for next season.
So as things stand, something has to give, and it turns out, that will be the blog. Most people don’t realize that a 500 word post can take an entire 8 hour day or more to write, edit, upload photos, design graphics for, and promote on social media. I have loved every second of it, but I need to make things more simple.
I still plan to write about things that I get really hyped about, but I have had more than one expert tell me that I need to hone in on my content. I think I knew this from the start but I resisted choosing a “niche” to market to as I truly wanted to write about all the things. I think of myself as a “jack of all trades, expert of none”, but the algorithms call for specificity, and conveniently, my life is revolving more around flowers/ gardening, so the content will be changing moving forward.
I will be pivoting from bringing you scheduled topical content and focus more on marketing our flowers and further developing the farm. I will still write on the blog, but the content will be more focused. I will write mostly about floral design and gardening, with some wedding related posts and the occasional miscellaneous tidbit of whatever happens to capture my interest. I also will not be adhering to a specific posting schedule, as I have found this to be the hardest thing about blogging. I have a loose goal of one post per week on the blog, but more frequent photos and updates on social media. If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you will probably see more of me and my day to day activities!
All former posts will remain on the site, but brace yourselves for flower content - I have so much to share! Including our much anticipated Dahlia harvest - coming anytime from now through late September. Here is a snapshot of the varieties we anticipate having this season:
Kinship & Vine Anticipated Dahlia Harvest 2024