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Top 10 Books for 2023

I am so excited to share my top 10 books with you this year!

Click on the photo for direct links to my Top 10 books of 2023!

I read more this year than in years past, but I stalled out in late September and haven’t read much since then.

Still, I picked a wide variety of books and read some with my Book Club and some on my own.

Books make GREAT gifts! I love to receive a book that someone has thoughtfully chosen for me. I usually ask for books for Birthday and Christmas, but I also buy books for myself on a pretty regular basis. I have a very long wishlist of books I hope to someday read. It’s hard to pick out only one sometimes.

A library membership is already one of my goals for 2024, although I will say that I like to have my own copy of a book that I truly love.

Also, I can also be hard on books - this year, I totally destroyed a paperback copy of The Lost Apothecary. At the time, I was going to the sauna at my gym three - four times per week and I like to read while I sit there. The heat from the sauna made the glue on the spine melt and the pages fell out - that book is a mess now!

It isn’t uncommon for me to get food on books too, which is gross if the book is not yours and you find pizza grease or something on the pages. I especially like to read while I eat lunch because I am usually alone during lunch.

I’ve found some great deals on Kindle books this year - many were free, thanks to my Amazon Prime membership. Can I be honest with you? I don’t love reading on the Kindle app. I like to hold a book in my hands, I like to see it on my bedside table. I like the smell of books. I now have a slew of Kindle books and I just forget that I downloaded them.

I also have to be in the right mood for certain books. I can pretty much do fiction anytime, but a self help book or a biography? I have to be in the right frame of mind for one of those. With even a hint of boring, I give up and it can be hard to find my way back.

Hands down the best book I read this year was Demon Copperhead. It stayed with me for weeks after I finished. So good! I am so hopeful that they make a movie about it.

What about you? What are your book habits - library check out or buy your own? Are you a Kindle reader, or old fashioned like me?

Here is a link to my Top 10 reads for 2023. Happy Reading!

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